Programs Overview
Experience from around the globe has illustrated the cost and environmental damage caused by invasive species. Through proactive efforts, the Idaho State Department of Agriculture addresses this threat through prevention, education, early detection and treatment programs. These actions are implemented through the following:
WaterCraft Inspection Station PROGRAM
Inspection stations are located on all major highways entering the state. This strategy is taken to maximize contact with boats travelling into the state from potentially fouled waterways.
Early Detection Monitoring Program
The early detection monitoring program serves as a tool to identify invasive species threats in Idaho, and eradicate populations before permanent establishment can occur.
aquatic Invasive species management and control program
The aquatic invasive species program is a statewide coordination that acts to protect the integrity of the state’s water bodies from the biological degradation caused by invasive species.
Regulated and Invasive Insect Pests Program
In the context of an integrated pest management system, ISDA works to exclude, regulate and manage new invaders that may have negative economic, public health and environmental impacts.